"No matter
  • who you are
  • where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome here!"

Wayside United Church of Christ (UCC) has served the Federal Way and Northeast Tacoma areas since 1959 and we continue to listen to a still-speaking God. We are a community of faith that seeks to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. A relatively small congregation, Wayside and its members and friends still strive to be faithful stewards to Federal Way and the surrounding area with our time, talent, finances, and other resources.

Whether you’re looking for a church to call home, want to work with others in making the world more peaceful and just, or you are simply looking for a place to worship, you are welcome at Wayside – regardless of age, race, ethnicity, economic situation, family status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, gender identity, or previous religious background.

Our Mission Statement

Be a safe, brave space for healing and reconciliation, be the hands and feet of God in our community, and be theologically curious  while biblically centered.

Our Vision Statement

1) Live out God’s call to love one another by being a beacon of light in the South Sound through our progressive values.
2) Embrace that we are all children of God by striving for diversity and inclusion through practicing hospitality and advocating for the marginalized.
3) Cultivate a safe space for people to ask questions, doubt, and grow in their faith and knowledge of God.
4) Practice joy by celebrating our gifts and empowering each other to thrive in community and faith.

Wayside is a part of the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Church of Christ